Monday 17 October 2011

My family and I have reached a milestone ......

Our oldest daughter Nicole finishes school on Thursday 20th October 2011.  She still has to write her finals, but only goes in on the days that she writes.
She of course has mixed feelings.....  excited about the future on one hand and nervous on the other.  I have these same feelings.

The only thing I can, as a mother do, is be there to support and love her.  It seems like it was just the other day that she started Grade 1 and now she is finishing.....

This morning she said "This is my last Monday of school..." - so I guess until Thursday, I will hear "This is my last ....."  - hehehe - really dont mind at all.
Varsity for her starts in February next year.  I guess it is just another format of school...

Anyway, I have digitized and uploaded a new set "Birds n Flowers.  This set fits the 4x4 (100x100) hoop and consists of 12 really cute designs - SEE BELOW

These designs would be great for a little girls quilt, or maybe you could come up with some great ideas.

These are available at the moment in my Etsy Store :-

I hope you will pop on over and visit.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and hope to see your comments.

Yours in Embroidery

Tuesday 11 October 2011


I cannot believe that we are already in October of this year.  It seems like just the other day we were starting the new year and here we are, almost at the end again.  Time certainly seems to fly when you are having fun - lol.  

My fun of course, is digitizing machine embroidery designs and seeing the fun people have with using my designs.  I love seeing what my customers come up with - some of you are sew very talented.  The feedback I get is really heartwarming too.  Thankyou to all of you that support me.  I really do appreciate each and every one of you.

We all have to think PINK this month.  I have just uploaded three new designs into my Etsy Store for this very important issue.

So for all of you ladies out there over "that" certain age, please dont forget to get them checked.

The link for my Etsy Shop is :-

These designs fit the 5x7 hoop (180x130) - if you need them to be smaller or bigger, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am also working on the cutest set at the moment that will fit the 4x4 (100x100) hoops.  There are 12 designs in this set, so lots of stitching out for me to do.  Will post as soon as they are done.

You all have a wonderful week.  Hope you get plenty of time to stitch and have fun.

Yours in Embroidery


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